- Purpose - for song? Album? Artist/band? Record company?
- How can a promo create a 'brand image' for a performer?
- Conventions? Camera work? Editing? Sound? Mise-en-scene? Narrative? Representation?
- Where can music promos be exhibited?
Nirvana – smells like tee spirit
Variety of shots- close ups of band members
Dry ice
Lighting- colour, brown tones
Audience reactions
Slow motion
Dry ice
Lighting- colour, brown tones
Audience reactions
Slow motion
Key Words
- Illustration- this is when the music promo illustrates the narrative which is given in the song lyrics.
- Amplification- this is when the music promo amplifies or develops the idea further.
- Disjuncture- this is when the music promo has no similarity to the lyrics, these are usually unconventional promos.
-How is narrative used? Balanced with performance? Cut into
performance? Merged with the performance?-Does it AMPLIFY the lyrics? Or does it focus on a specific of the lyric and ILLUSTRATE it? Or does it CONTRADICT the lyrics (known as DISJUNCUTURE)?
-Remember the narrative may not be constructed in a traditional manner- may be partial/disjointed e.g. use of montage.
An example is Blur coffee and TV
-This refers to the process where one media text
may take from another existing text- it may be a carbon copy, a pastiche, a
parody or a homage- e.g. a music video may borrow elements from a well known
film.-This ‘borrowing’ of images, narratives etc. and reconstructing the, can be seen as ‘post-modern’.
Robbie Williams- Let me entertain you.
References to Kiss
Heavy rock video,
Make up, costume, stage, band.
Ozzy Osborn reference.
20thcentury art movements and the music promo.
-ExpressionismMy chemical romance- Welcome to the black parade
Red hot chilli peppers- Otherside
Foo Fighters- Everlong
-Pop Art
Lady Gaga- TelephoneBeyonce- Countdown
Rihanna-Rude boy